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September • The 2017 ILCC Royals: King Matt Dixon & Paige Dixon!

September 2017 - President's Message:

Hello Indian Lake!

Firstly, I have an important person to thank. Janet Reichhard took time and great pleasure in writing Smoke Signals for 19 years. That’s amazing! Unfortunately, she has decided to put her pen down. Her touching statements and various special occasion announcements will be missed by all. This is yet another example of a great volunteer! When you see Janet please take a moment to thank her for all that she has given to this lake via Smoke Signals.

Secondly, we celebrated our 93rd King and Queen Weekend with all its wonderful and unique ILCC traditions at the end of July…not on its regular date. Don’t be surprised if the date is the same next year. I would like to congratulate our 2017 King, Matt Dixon, our 2017 Queen, Paige Dixon, and our 2017 Mr. and Mrs. Indian Lake, Pete and Tracy Somogyi! There was great fun had by all through the entire weekend, particularly by Lady Cassidy!

At this point, August is nearly in our rear view mirror and by the time you read this Hub Lakes will be behind us. This year, White Meadow hosted the Hub Lakes Championship and while it’s not as good as Indian, they are second best in my book. We had a great turn out for Indian Lake … the cheering section was full of GREEN SCREAMS! The 35 and older race was as exciting as ever. I’m happy to say we took 3rd. It’s a great event that I’m happy to have helped run for the past 8 years. If your kids don’t swim … get them involved … they won’t be disappointed.

As a reminder the ILCC Annual Meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on Friday September 29 at 8 PM. Now, we have a looming topic similar to the Tennis Courts, however I want to emphasize to the entire membership that there has not been a decision to move forward with construction of a new clubhouse. The Renovation Committee and the Board of Trustees are still in fact-finding mode. The creation of architectural drawings and the recent surveys are in direct correlation to our fact finding. At this point we have not concluded that it is feasible. With that said, this will be the final topic of our night and I encourage those on both sides of this topic to be present for the discussion. There is much more to discuss well beyond one topic, so I expect all attendees to be respectful of the Trustee Reports all the way through to our final topic.

I look forward to seeing each of you at the meeting!

Mike Gavin

ILCC President

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